The Videos

For videos, please also visit Rythea’s online show, Advice from a Loving Bitch



When I wrote this song, it began as a love note to myself, but then images of survivors of all kinds, people in the grips of cruelty came into my mind. I saw the bright spirits of those trapped and captive to human hatred and I felt my own rage and sorrow. I have often experienced myself as broken, and just as often, seen my core as totally intact. Both are true, both are teaching me. This is a prayer, this is my vision. The ones who came for you can never have you.To purchase this song for $1, go to

Thank you Tom Knight, who recorded the music, filmed and edited this video. I couldn’t do this without you!!


Hawley Highlights - Radical Closeness

In this Highlight Rythea Lee and Samantha Burnell talk about their approach to Peer Counseling, video by Northampton Community Television.

Stop The Nonsense Song

Living Room Dance, Me And My 5 Year Old

Improvisation is good for your health!

Mom And 3 Year Old Choreography Jam

Me and my 3 year old working on choreography. She video bombs me and then it’s a perfect collaboration.

Around The House

Rythea’s daughter, Torielle, gives her first in depth interview since the run away hit The Evil Eye.

Cream Cheeks Rap

A short but sweet and funny rap about Rythea Lee’s daughter’s cheeks.

Singing Corner (Part 2)

Part 2 of the self-help singing corner, is a funny song called “The Affirmation Song.” Also, part of a larger, evening-length workwith the Zany Angels.

Empty Little Pockets

Year after year, I looked inward to what was hurting me and made sure to heal it so that my daughter wouldn’t get it coming at her. I found thousands of corners of pain that needed holding and expression. I became the Mother to myself that I never had. Then I brought all that care to my beautiful child who deserved a fresh start, a safe childhood, a playground of freedom. I was weary from such hard work and from the vulnerability of being open, and then I wrote this song.

Falling Backwards: Kyra, Robyn, Rythea Lee

We are a trio of songwriters who have been writing together since Kyra and Robyn (sisters) were small children. I was their babysitter and through 20 years, became their band member and family. This is our most recent song. We write our songs by taking turns writing lines of melody and lyrics in a very democratic process. We seem to write better and better songs although we are in love with all our songs and the phases of our lives they reflect.

A Joyful No

This is a wonderful video of Rythea and her daughter playing, talking, connecting

The Evil Eye

Rythea and her daughter, Torielle, improvisation.

Singing Corner (Part 1)

This is a clip of Rythea’s humorous songs from a larger, evening-length Zany Angels work.  It’s a great example of how the audience interacts with her music. This song is called “Low Frequency Thought-Forms”.


Here is a comedic clown oriented dance trio by the Zany Angels Dance Theatre Company to a wonderful Edith Piaf song.